  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All


Type aliases


DeleteCacheAPI: SwAPI<{ message: Messages.deleteCache }, CacheDeletedAt>

Deletes the current cache that corresponds to the current git revision id.


Do not confuse with DeleteOldCacheAPI which deletes the cache that corresponds to outdated git revision id.


DeleteOldCacheAPI: SwAPI<{ message: Messages.deleteOldCache }, OldCacheDeletedAt>

Deletes the old cache that corresponds to the outdated git revision id.


Do not confuse with DeleteCacheAPI which deletes the current cache that corresponds to the current git revision id.


DocumentMetadata: z.infer<typeof documentMetadataSchema>


GetActivatedAtAPI: SwAPI<{ message: Messages.getActivatedAt }, ActivatedAt>

Returns iso timestamp of last service worker activation.


GetCacheDeletedAtAPI: SwAPI<{ message: Messages.getCacheDeletedAt }, CacheDeletedAt>

Returns iso timestamp of last deletion of the current cache that corresponds to the current git revision id.


Does not reflect the cache deletion via browser api e.g. developer tools. The value is updated only via DeleteCacheAPI deletion.


GetCacheExistsAPI: SwAPI<{ message: Messages.getCacheExists }, CacheExists>

Returns boolean indicating existance of the current cache that corresponds to the current git revision id.


GetCacheUpdatedAtAPI: SwAPI<{ message: Messages.getCacheUpdatedAt }, CacheUpdatedAt>

Returns iso timestamp of last update of the current cache that corresponds to the current git revision id.


The value is updated only via invoking UpdateCacheAPI and via service worker activation handler {@link handleActivate}.


GetIgnoredCacheAPI: SwAPI<{ message: Messages.getIgnoreCache }, IgnoreCache>

Returns boolean that represents whether hitting cache is being prevented.


GetMetadataAPI: SwAPI<{ message: Messages.getMetadata }, Metadata>

Returns service worker metadata.


GetOldCacheDeletedAtAPI: SwAPI<{ message: Messages.getOldCacheDeletedAt }, OldCacheDeletedAt>

Returns iso timestamp of last deletion of the old cache that corresponds to the outdated git revision id.


Does not reflect the cache deletion via browser api e.g. developer tools. The value is updated only via DeleteOldCacheAPI and {@link handleActivate} deletion.


HeadingLevel: number


Identifier: string


LanguageCode: string

i18n ISO string


Manifest: z.infer<typeof manifestSchema>


Order: z.infer<typeof orderSchema>


OrderLike: string


PublicationSum: z.infer<typeof publicationSumSchema>


Revision: z.infer<typeof revisionSchema>


Root: z.infer<typeof rootSchema>


SetIgnoreCacheAPI: SwAPI<{ message: Messages.setIgnoreCache; payload: { value: boolean } }, IgnoreCache>

Sets whether hitting cache is being prevented.

When set to true, the cache may still exist and be updated but the any request of file will proceed to fetch the file as if there is no cache. When set to false, the cached requests will be served as usual.


Used when we need to be sure we always work with actual files.


URLFragment: End | "chunk1" | ""


UpdateCacheAPI: SwAPI<{ message: Messages.updateCache }, CacheDeletedAndUpdatedAt>

Completely updates the current cache that corresponds to the current git revision id. Returns timestamps for both last cache deletion and update.

  • Used when we need to work with actual files. When files change, its neccessary to call updateCache again.
  • Alternatively, we may prevent hitting cache altogether by using SetIgnoreCacheAPI.


iso: string



cs: { annotations: { add-note: string; confirm-destroy: string; default-style-neutral: string; default-style-okay: string; default-style-omg: string; default-style-red-flag: string; edit-note: string; highlights: string; no-annotations-in-chapter: string; no-notes-in-chapter: string; notes: string; show-all: string; update-note: string; work-desk: string }; common: { note: string; toggle-full-screen: string }; controls: { annotations: string; options: string; show-annotations: string; show-options: string; show-toc: string; toc: string }; navigation: { about: string; chapter: string; continue: string; continueReading: string; go: string; minutes-left: string; minutes-left-long: string; next-chapter: string; nthChapterNthSentence: string; nthSentence: string; prev-chapter: string; progress: string; progress-long: string; return: string; sentence: string; seqReturnAnotherChapter: string; seqReturnThisChapter: string; show-tips: string; start: string; title-page: string; turn-to: string }; offline: { cache-available: string; cacheUpdateRequested: string; nosw: string; problem: string; unsecure: string; updateCache: string }; onboarding: { annotations: string; annotations-heading: string; close: string; intro: string; intro-head: string; intro-hide: string; intro-show: string; next: string; pagination: string; pagination-heading: string; read-offline: string; remember: string; remember-heading: string }; options: { about-this-book: string; annotation-styles: string; basic-style: string; basic-style-label: string; change-does-overwrite-existing: string; color-scheme: string; color-scheme-auto: string; color-scheme-auto-explanation: string; color-scheme-dark: string; color-scheme-light: string; color-scheme-sepia: string; create-quick-note: string; font-size: string; generated-at: string; invisible-nav-label: string; offline-mode: string; revision: string }; research: { agree: string; decline: string; plea-title: string; researcher: string } }

Type declaration

  • annotations: { add-note: string; confirm-destroy: string; default-style-neutral: string; default-style-okay: string; default-style-omg: string; default-style-red-flag: string; edit-note: string; highlights: string; no-annotations-in-chapter: string; no-notes-in-chapter: string; notes: string; show-all: string; update-note: string; work-desk: string }
    • add-note: string
    • confirm-destroy: string
    • default-style-neutral: string
    • default-style-okay: string
    • default-style-omg: string
    • default-style-red-flag: string
    • edit-note: string
    • highlights: string
    • no-annotations-in-chapter: string
    • no-notes-in-chapter: string
    • notes: string
    • show-all: string
    • update-note: string
    • work-desk: string
  • common: { note: string; toggle-full-screen: string }
    • note: string
    • toggle-full-screen: string
  • controls: { annotations: string; options: string; show-annotations: string; show-options: string; show-toc: string; toc: string }
    • annotations: string
    • options: string
    • show-annotations: string
    • show-options: string
    • show-toc: string
    • toc: string
  • navigation: { about: string; chapter: string; continue: string; continueReading: string; go: string; minutes-left: string; minutes-left-long: string; next-chapter: string; nthChapterNthSentence: string; nthSentence: string; prev-chapter: string; progress: string; progress-long: string; return: string; sentence: string; seqReturnAnotherChapter: string; seqReturnThisChapter: string; show-tips: string; start: string; title-page: string; turn-to: string }
    • about: string
    • chapter: string
    • continue: string
    • continueReading: string
    • go: string
    • minutes-left: string
    • minutes-left-long: string
    • next-chapter: string
    • nthChapterNthSentence: string
    • nthSentence: string
    • prev-chapter: string
    • progress: string
    • progress-long: string
    • return: string
    • sentence: string
    • seqReturnAnotherChapter: string
    • seqReturnThisChapter: string
    • show-tips: string
    • start: string
    • title-page: string
    • turn-to: string
  • offline: { cache-available: string; cacheUpdateRequested: string; nosw: string; problem: string; unsecure: string; updateCache: string }
    • cache-available: string
    • cacheUpdateRequested: string
    • nosw: string
    • problem: string
    • unsecure: string
    • updateCache: string
  • onboarding: { annotations: string; annotations-heading: string; close: string; intro: string; intro-head: string; intro-hide: string; intro-show: string; next: string; pagination: string; pagination-heading: string; read-offline: string; remember: string; remember-heading: string }
    • annotations: string
    • annotations-heading: string
    • close: string
    • intro: string
    • intro-head: string
    • intro-hide: string
    • intro-show: string
    • next: string
    • pagination: string
    • pagination-heading: string
    • read-offline: string
    • remember: string
    • remember-heading: string
  • options: { about-this-book: string; annotation-styles: string; basic-style: string; basic-style-label: string; change-does-overwrite-existing: string; color-scheme: string; color-scheme-auto: string; color-scheme-auto-explanation: string; color-scheme-dark: string; color-scheme-light: string; color-scheme-sepia: string; create-quick-note: string; font-size: string; generated-at: string; invisible-nav-label: string; offline-mode: string; revision: string }
    • about-this-book: string
    • annotation-styles: string
    • basic-style: string
    • basic-style-label: string
    • change-does-overwrite-existing: string
    • color-scheme: string
    • color-scheme-auto: string
    • color-scheme-auto-explanation: string
    • color-scheme-dark: string
    • color-scheme-light: string
    • color-scheme-sepia: string
    • create-quick-note: string
    • font-size: string
    • generated-at: string
    • invisible-nav-label: string
    • offline-mode: string
    • revision: string
  • research: { agree: string; decline: string; plea-title: string; researcher: string }
    • agree: string
    • decline: string
    • plea-title: string
    • researcher: string


en: { annotations: { add-note: string; confirm-destroy: string; default-style-neutral: string; default-style-okay: string; default-style-omg: string; default-style-red-flag: string; edit-note: string; highlights: string; no-annotations-in-chapter: string; no-notes-in-chapter: string; notes: string; show-all: string; update-note: string; work-desk: string }; common: { note: string; toggle-full-screen: string }; controls: { annotations: string; options: string; show-annotations: string; show-options: string; show-toc: string; toc: string }; navigation: { about: string; chapter: string; continue: string; continueReading: string; go: string; minutes-left: string; minutes-left-long: string; next-chapter: string; nthChapterNthSentence: string; nthSentence: string; prev-chapter: string; progress: string; progress-long: string; return: string; sentence: string; seqReturnAnotherChapter: string; seqReturnThisChapter: string; show-tips: string; start: string; title-page: string; turn-to: string }; offline: { cache-available: string; cacheUpdateRequested: string; nosw: string; problem: string; unsecure: string; updateCache: string }; onboarding: { annotations: string; annotations-heading: string; close: string; intro: string; intro-head: string; intro-hide: string; intro-show: string; next: string; pagination: string; pagination-heading: string; read-offline: string; remember: string; remember-heading: string }; options: { about-this-book: string; annotation-styles: string; basic-style: string; basic-style-label: string; change-does-overwrite-existing: string; color-scheme: string; color-scheme-auto: string; color-scheme-auto-explanation: string; color-scheme-dark: string; color-scheme-light: string; color-scheme-sepia: string; create-quick-note: string; font-size: string; generated-at: string; invisible-nav-label: string; offline-mode: string; revision: string }; research: { agree: string; decline: string; plea-title: string; researcher: string } }

Type declaration

  • annotations: { add-note: string; confirm-destroy: string; default-style-neutral: string; default-style-okay: string; default-style-omg: string; default-style-red-flag: string; edit-note: string; highlights: string; no-annotations-in-chapter: string; no-notes-in-chapter: string; notes: string; show-all: string; update-note: string; work-desk: string }
    • add-note: string
    • confirm-destroy: string
    • default-style-neutral: string
    • default-style-okay: string
    • default-style-omg: string
    • default-style-red-flag: string
    • edit-note: string
    • highlights: string
    • no-annotations-in-chapter: string
    • no-notes-in-chapter: string
    • notes: string
    • show-all: string
    • update-note: string
    • work-desk: string
  • common: { note: string; toggle-full-screen: string }
    • note: string
    • toggle-full-screen: string
  • controls: { annotations: string; options: string; show-annotations: string; show-options: string; show-toc: string; toc: string }
    • annotations: string
    • options: string
    • show-annotations: string
    • show-options: string
    • show-toc: string
    • toc: string
  • navigation: { about: string; chapter: string; continue: string; continueReading: string; go: string; minutes-left: string; minutes-left-long: string; next-chapter: string; nthChapterNthSentence: string; nthSentence: string; prev-chapter: string; progress: string; progress-long: string; return: string; sentence: string; seqReturnAnotherChapter: string; seqReturnThisChapter: string; show-tips: string; start: string; title-page: string; turn-to: string }
    • about: string
    • chapter: string
    • continue: string
    • continueReading: string
    • go: string
    • minutes-left: string
    • minutes-left-long: string
    • next-chapter: string
    • nthChapterNthSentence: string
    • nthSentence: string
    • prev-chapter: string
    • progress: string
    • progress-long: string
    • return: string
    • sentence: string
    • seqReturnAnotherChapter: string
    • seqReturnThisChapter: string
    • show-tips: string
    • start: string
    • title-page: string
    • turn-to: string
  • offline: { cache-available: string; cacheUpdateRequested: string; nosw: string; problem: string; unsecure: string; updateCache: string }
    • cache-available: string
    • cacheUpdateRequested: string
    • nosw: string
    • problem: string
    • unsecure: string
    • updateCache: string
  • onboarding: { annotations: string; annotations-heading: string; close: string; intro: string; intro-head: string; intro-hide: string; intro-show: string; next: string; pagination: string; pagination-heading: string; read-offline: string; remember: string; remember-heading: string }
    • annotations: string
    • annotations-heading: string
    • close: string
    • intro: string
    • intro-head: string
    • intro-hide: string
    • intro-show: string
    • next: string
    • pagination: string
    • pagination-heading: string
    • read-offline: string
    • remember: string
    • remember-heading: string
  • options: { about-this-book: string; annotation-styles: string; basic-style: string; basic-style-label: string; change-does-overwrite-existing: string; color-scheme: string; color-scheme-auto: string; color-scheme-auto-explanation: string; color-scheme-dark: string; color-scheme-light: string; color-scheme-sepia: string; create-quick-note: string; font-size: string; generated-at: string; invisible-nav-label: string; offline-mode: string; revision: string }
    • about-this-book: string
    • annotation-styles: string
    • basic-style: string
    • basic-style-label: string
    • change-does-overwrite-existing: string
    • color-scheme: string
    • color-scheme-auto: string
    • color-scheme-auto-explanation: string
    • color-scheme-dark: string
    • color-scheme-light: string
    • color-scheme-sepia: string
    • create-quick-note: string
    • font-size: string
    • generated-at: string
    • invisible-nav-label: string
    • offline-mode: string
    • revision: string
  • research: { agree: string; decline: string; plea-title: string; researcher: string }
    • agree: string
    • decline: string
    • plea-title: string
    • researcher: string


Const DocRoleClass

DocRoleClass: DocRoleClass = ...

Const manifestSchema

manifestSchema: ZodObject<{ author: ZodString; documents: ZodArray<ZodObject<{ chars: ZodNumber; file: ZodString; ideas: ZodNumber; next: ZodNullable<ZodString>; order: ZodNullable<ZodNumber>; prev: ZodNullable<ZodString>; role: ZodNativeEnum<typeof DocRole>; title: ZodString; toc: ZodArray<ZodType<Heading, ZodTypeDef, Heading>, "many">; words: ZodNumber }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { chars: number; file: string; ideas: number; next: null | string; order: null | number; prev: null | string; role: DocRole; title: string; toc: Heading[]; words: number }, { chars: number; file: string; ideas: number; next: null | string; order: null | number; prev: null | string; role: DocRole; title: string; toc: Heading[]; words: number }>, "many">; edition: ZodOptional<ZodString>; generatedAt: ZodObject<{ date: ZodString; unix: ZodNumber }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { date: string; unix: number }, { date: string; unix: number }>; identifier: ZodString; keywords: ZodOptional<ZodArray<ZodString, "many">>; languageCode: ZodString; preview: ZodDiscriminatedUnion<"isPreview", Primitive, ZodObject<{ chaptersSlice: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodNumber>>; fullTextUrl: ZodString; isPreview: ZodLiteral<true>; removeChapters: ZodArray<ZodString, "many"> }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { chaptersSlice: number; fullTextUrl: string; isPreview: true; removeChapters: string[] }, { chaptersSlice: undefined | number; fullTextUrl: string; isPreview: true; removeChapters: string[] }> | ZodObject<{ isPreview: ZodLiteral<false> }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { isPreview: false }, { isPreview: false }>>; published: ZodOptional<ZodNumber>; publisher: ZodOptional<ZodString>; readingOrder: ZodArray<ZodString, "many">; revision: ZodString; root: ZodString; subtitle: ZodOptional<ZodString>; title: ZodString; totals: ZodObject<{ all: ZodObject<{ chars: ZodNumber; ideas: ZodNumber; words: ZodNumber }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { chars: number; ideas: number; words: number }, { chars: number; ideas: number; words: number }>; chapters: ZodObject<{ chars: ZodNumber; ideas: ZodNumber; words: ZodNumber }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { chars: number; ideas: number; words: number }, { chars: number; ideas: number; words: number }> }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { all: { words: number; chars: number; ideas: number; }; chapters: { words: number; chars: number; ideas: number; } }, { all: { words: number; chars: number; ideas: number; }; chapters: { words: number; chars: number; ideas: number; } }> }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { author: string; documents: { title: string; file: string; words: number; chars: number; ideas: number; role: DocRole; order: number | null; prev: string | null; next: string | null; toc: Heading[]; }[]; edition: undefined | string; generatedAt: { date: string; unix: number; }; identifier: string; keywords: undefined | string[]; languageCode: string; preview: { isPreview: true; chaptersSlice: number; removeChapters: string[]; fullTextUrl: string; } | { isPreview: false; }; published: undefined | number; publisher: undefined | string; readingOrder: string[]; revision: string; root: string; subtitle: undefined | string; title: string; totals: { all: { words: number; chars: number; ideas: number; }; chapters: { words: number; chars: number; ideas: number; }; } }, { author: string; documents: { title: string; file: string; words: number; chars: number; ideas: number; role: DocRole; order: number | null; prev: string | null; next: string | null; toc: Heading[]; }[]; edition: undefined | string; generatedAt: { date: string; unix: number; }; identifier: string; keywords: undefined | string[]; languageCode: string; preview: { chaptersSlice?: number | undefined; isPreview: true; removeChapters: string[]; fullTextUrl: string; } | { isPreview: false; }; published: undefined | number; publisher: undefined | string; readingOrder: string[]; revision: string; root: string; subtitle: undefined | string; title: string; totals: { all: { words: number; chars: number; ideas: number; }; chapters: { words: number; chars: number; ideas: number; }; } }> = ...


Const classSelector

  • classSelector(classname: string): string

Const getIdeaId

  • getIdeaId(n: number): string

Generated using TypeDoc