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Config module


Type aliases


Config: z.infer<typeof configSchema>


Delimiter: string


Metadata: z.infer<typeof metaDataSchema>


PartialConfig: Partial<Config>

Custom book config loaded from file may contain selected (partial) config properties


PartialConfigWithDeprecated: Partial<ConfigWithDeprecated>

Custom book config loaded from file may contain selected (partial) config properties


Preview: z.infer<typeof previewSchema>


PreviewTrue: z.infer<typeof previewTrueSchema>


SelectorFn: (root: Document | Element) => void

Type declaration

    • (root: Document | Element): void
    • A callback that marks elements as chunks of ideas. Those are then used for idea mapping.


      • root: Document | Element

        DOM Document or Element

      Returns void

      Modifies DOM Document


Selectors: (keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap | string)[] | SelectorFn


TokenizerFn: (node: Node, text: string) => string

Type declaration

    • (node: Node, text: string): string
    • A callback used to split chunk contents into ideas.


      • node: Node
      • text: string

      Returns string


Const configSchema

configSchema: ZodObject<{ delimiter: ZodDefault<ZodString>; languageCode: ZodDefault<ZodString>; meta: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodObject<{ author: ZodString; edition: ZodOptional<ZodString>; keywords: ZodOptional<ZodArray<ZodString, "many">>; published: ZodOptional<ZodNumber>; publisher: ZodOptional<ZodString>; subtitle: ZodOptional<ZodString>; title: ZodString }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { author: string; edition: undefined | string; keywords: undefined | string[]; published: undefined | number; publisher: undefined | string; subtitle: undefined | string; title: string }, { author: string; edition: undefined | string; keywords: undefined | string[]; published: undefined | number; publisher: undefined | string; subtitle: undefined | string; title: string }>>>; output: ZodDefault<ZodEnum<["jsdom", "html"]>>; preview: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodDiscriminatedUnion<"isPreview", Primitive, ZodObject<{ chaptersSlice: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodNumber>>; fullTextUrl: ZodString; isPreview: ZodLiteral<true>; removeChapters: ZodArray<ZodString, "many"> }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { chaptersSlice: number; fullTextUrl: string; isPreview: true; removeChapters: string[] }, { chaptersSlice: undefined | number; fullTextUrl: string; isPreview: true; removeChapters: string[] }> | ZodObject<{ isPreview: ZodLiteral<false> }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { isPreview: false }, { isPreview: false }>>>>; readingOrder: ZodDefault<ZodArray<ZodString, "many">>; root: ZodDefault<ZodString>; selectors: ZodDefault<ZodArray<ZodString, "many">>; static: ZodDefault<ZodArray<ZodString, "many">>; tocBase: ZodDefault<ZodArray<ZodType<TocBaseItem, ZodTypeDef, TocBaseItem>, "many">> }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { delimiter: string; languageCode: string; meta: { subtitle?: string | undefined; published?: number | undefined; publisher?: string | undefined; keywords?: string[] | undefined; edition?: string | undefined; title: string; author: string; }; output: "jsdom" | "html"; preview: { isPreview: true; chaptersSlice: number; removeChapters: string[]; fullTextUrl: string; } | { isPreview: false; }; readingOrder: string[]; root: string; selectors: string[]; static: string[]; tocBase: TocBaseItem[] }, { delimiter: undefined | string; languageCode: undefined | string; meta: undefined | { subtitle?: string | undefined; published?: number | undefined; publisher?: string | undefined; keywords?: string[] | undefined; edition?: string | undefined; title: string; author: string; }; output: undefined | "jsdom" | "html"; preview: undefined | { chaptersSlice?: number | undefined; isPreview: true; removeChapters: string[]; fullTextUrl: string; } | { isPreview: false; }; readingOrder: undefined | string[]; root: undefined | string; selectors: undefined | string[]; static: undefined | string[]; tocBase: undefined | TocBaseItem[] }> = ...

Const metaDataSchema

metaDataSchema: ZodObject<{ author: ZodString; edition: ZodOptional<ZodString>; keywords: ZodOptional<ZodArray<ZodString, "many">>; published: ZodOptional<ZodNumber>; publisher: ZodOptional<ZodString>; subtitle: ZodOptional<ZodString>; title: ZodString }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { author: string; edition: undefined | string; keywords: undefined | string[]; published: undefined | number; publisher: undefined | string; subtitle: undefined | string; title: string }, { author: string; edition: undefined | string; keywords: undefined | string[]; published: undefined | number; publisher: undefined | string; subtitle: undefined | string; title: string }> = ...

Const previewSchema

previewSchema: ZodDiscriminatedUnion<"isPreview", Primitive, ZodObject<{ chaptersSlice: ZodDefault<ZodOptional<ZodNumber>>; fullTextUrl: ZodString; isPreview: ZodLiteral<true>; removeChapters: ZodArray<ZodString, "many"> }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { chaptersSlice: number; fullTextUrl: string; isPreview: true; removeChapters: string[] }, { chaptersSlice: undefined | number; fullTextUrl: string; isPreview: true; removeChapters: string[] }> | ZodObject<{ isPreview: ZodLiteral<false> }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { isPreview: false }, { isPreview: false }>> = ...



  • Loads book config options from file

    The config is being created in following stages:

    1. First, the custom book options in the shape of PartialConfigWithDeprecated are loaded.
    2. Deprecated options are transformed to their new form and the config gets shape of PartialConfig.
    3. Config is acquired by parsing and applying defaults on PartialConfig with Preview options.
    4. Since config is guaranteed to have preview settings decided, the preview logic is applied on the config.


    • srcDir: PathLike

      directory where book config is located

    • Optional fullTextUrl: string

      link to the full book in case of preview feature active

    Returns Config | never

    a config object that is guaranteed to be valid against its predefined schema.

Const parseConfig

  • parseConfig(options: Partial<{ delimiter: string; languageCode: string; meta: { subtitle?: string | undefined; published?: number | undefined; publisher?: string | undefined; keywords?: string[] | undefined; edition?: string | undefined; title: string; author: string; }; output: "jsdom" | "html"; preview: { isPreview: true; chaptersSlice: number; removeChapters: string[]; fullTextUrl: string; } | { isPreview: false; }; readingOrder: string[]; root: string; selectors: string[]; static: string[]; tocBase: TocBaseItem[] }>): { delimiter: string; languageCode: string; meta: { subtitle?: string | undefined; published?: number | undefined; publisher?: string | undefined; keywords?: string[] | undefined; edition?: string | undefined; title: string; author: string; }; output: "jsdom" | "html"; preview: { isPreview: true; chaptersSlice: number; removeChapters: string[]; fullTextUrl: string; } | { isPreview: false; }; readingOrder: string[]; root: string; selectors: string[]; static: string[]; tocBase: TocBaseItem[] }
  • Parameters

    • options: Partial<{ delimiter: string; languageCode: string; meta: { subtitle?: string | undefined; published?: number | undefined; publisher?: string | undefined; keywords?: string[] | undefined; edition?: string | undefined; title: string; author: string; }; output: "jsdom" | "html"; preview: { isPreview: true; chaptersSlice: number; removeChapters: string[]; fullTextUrl: string; } | { isPreview: false; }; readingOrder: string[]; root: string; selectors: string[]; static: string[]; tocBase: TocBaseItem[] }>

    Returns { delimiter: string; languageCode: string; meta: { subtitle?: string | undefined; published?: number | undefined; publisher?: string | undefined; keywords?: string[] | undefined; edition?: string | undefined; title: string; author: string; }; output: "jsdom" | "html"; preview: { isPreview: true; chaptersSlice: number; removeChapters: string[]; fullTextUrl: string; } | { isPreview: false; }; readingOrder: string[]; root: string; selectors: string[]; static: string[]; tocBase: TocBaseItem[] }

    • delimiter: string
    • languageCode: string
    • meta: { subtitle?: string | undefined; published?: number | undefined; publisher?: string | undefined; keywords?: string[] | undefined; edition?: string | undefined; title: string; author: string; }
    • output: "jsdom" | "html"
    • preview: { isPreview: true; chaptersSlice: number; removeChapters: string[]; fullTextUrl: string; } | { isPreview: false; }
    • readingOrder: string[]
    • root: string
    • selectors: string[]
    • static: string[]
    • tocBase: TocBaseItem[]

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